It's Morning In America...
A friend emailed this photo of me this morning. In posting it and including the following words, I am purged of this election. (Time-limitations for proofreading and editing, and for that I apologize.)
I didn't have a pantsuit to wear on Tuesday, but wanted to wear something to acknowledge my support for Hillary underneath my rain poncho as I knocked on doors getting out the vote. We all "Are FL” (as the sticker says), and PA, and OH, and CA, and MS, and overseas absentee voters, etc. -- Americans. And we will continue to be so, every day, every week, every November regardless if there is a candidate for president on the ballot. Support third parties in LOCAL elections if you believe their platforms will change the system. Hold to the fire the feet of those now in office. Vote.
Vote by having the backs of your neighbors, known and unknown. Vote by spending time with those who might consider and articulate different perspectives and opinions than yours. Vote by dancing to a tune not found on your pre-selected station or Spotify channel. Vote by reading the entire article, not just the headline. Vote by being kind. Vote by being compassionate.
Vote daily and often.
I am angry and terrified by the prospect of the changes our president elect advocated while on the campaign trail. Historically, states' rights have better served those who have, not those in need. Historically, private dollars rarely secure the infrastructure required to get goods to market, or educate children, or keep our water/air supply clean, or combat (better yet, prevent) deadly bacteria and viruses’ taking hold in a population.
History tells us, we’re in trouble, y’all.
As I canvassed through neighborhoods that obviously had seen better days, I found it was not important to ask those we encountered who they voted for; only whether or not they had cast a ballot. Others might argue with me on this point, to which I say ‘On voting day, on those streets, I had no energy to engage at that level.’ The community was living paycheck to paycheck -- if there were a consistent paycheck.
I do hope the second Tuesday of November does indeed become designated a national holiday. I would have rather been celebrating in the streets with fellow citizens than be concerned that my knock disturbed those trying to sleep off the grind of a graveyard shift. We did get a chance to cheer with some of their children, however. They were amazing! Following us around on bikes or playing in driveways, posing their questions to strangers with clipboards walking through their neighborhood.
Do you recall what our president elect said, when questioned how he would advise his daughter if she were confronted with sexual harassment in the workplace? That he’d hope she would find a new job. Or, her brother who suggested business was a place for the strong not the weak, and that teaching kindergarten might be an option for those who complain. (By the way, that asshole obviously has never spent a day in an elementary school classroom.) These thoughts are not found just in the Red Camp, but in the Blue Camp too -- and are expressed often, either with words or body language when a person is either just venting or seriously looking for a port in a storm. Listen for what she (or he) is asking of you, and support her if you can.
I did not graduate from Wellesley. When I told my grandmother of my decision to transfer to Cal she said, ‘You’ll be going from Neiman Marcus to JC Penny.’ I said nothing as I did not want to be rude nor disrespectful. But in my head I screamed, ‘It’s my CHOICE, grandma. A CHOICE that you, and mom, and others like you made possible. Plus that analogy is ridiculous.’ As a local artist recently put forth: “I am my ancestors’ wildest dream.”
Damn straight.
I am currently living and working in Mississippi. I like what I do, and it energizes me. But if things get deplorably bad, I might be forced to find work elsewhere -- unlike others in my state for whom a lack of education, or experience, or family support, or other privileges I posses limits their options when escape is warranted.
I am only one generation away from ‘paycheck-to-paycheck or no paycheck’. A heritage that holds no shame. What IS shameful is that our president elect vows to take our country back to that place on our shared timeline.
Moving forward...happy Thursday, my friends!